Just the ramblings of another girl...

writing from the depths of her heart

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The thing about boomerangs...

I just wanted you to know, that no matter where life takes me, no matter the distance, no matter the length of time, no matter the obstacles—I'll always come back to you. Even if I, myself, am not sure if I'll come back—in the end I'll always come back. Cause that's the thing about boomerangs, right? They come back even if they feel they shouldn't, they come back even if the world tries to stop them, they come back because they ultimately know where they belong... and who they belong to.

I Love You Tommy Kong

whale heart;s panda

Sunday, April 25, 2010


“I tell myself that I don’t deserve any of this misery. I didn’t do anything to deserve it and I deserve to be happy.”

something I stumbled upon whilst in another world which I thought I'd share with the world when you're feeling down and out. Hope it helps :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Poem from a friend of mine...

"Somedays everything just turns out wrong
Where I wish my life goes like the lyrics of a song
Everywhere I look, everything is grey
I lie in bed and stare at the ceiling
I don't know what to say...
It's hard to explain, it's such a sad feeling
Where there isn't a single light in my life
I feel I'm heading in the wrong direction
The choices I make...
I feel like I make the wrong selections
If not, then why was I destined to be
To live like this I'd rather float in the sea...
Why can't everything be fine, where the sun always shines..."